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Ward Cedar Log Homes

The website developed for Ward Cedar Log Homes is a remarkable showcase of comprehensive floor plans, stunning photography, an informative blog, and strong search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. One of its standout features is the extensive library of floor plans, offering intricate details and layouts to help potential homeowners envision their dream log home. These plans are not just abundant but also thoughtfully presented for easy exploration.


Ward Cedar Log Homes

Project Highlights

  • Comprehensive floor plans

  • Categorized home photo gallery

  • Continual SEO monitoring

  • Industry-leading blog

The website's beautiful photo gallery captures the rustic elegance of log homes, inspiring visitors with captivating visuals of completed projects. These images serve as a testament to Ward Cedar Log Homes' craftsmanship and design, creating an emotional connection with prospective clients.

The inclusion of a blog provides valuable insights and information about log home construction and lifestyle. It positions Ward Cedar Log Homes as an authoritative source in the industry and helps improve organic search engine visibility through SEO-optimized content.

Google Ads Promotion

Months after the launch of the Ward Cedar Log Homes website, we initiated a strategic Google Ads campaign aimed at precision-targeting specific keywords, demographics, and locations. The campaign was designed to drive traffic to a dedicated landing page where visitors were encouraged to provide their contact information in exchange for a valuable free planning guide. This approach not only increased website traffic but also enabled Ward Cedar Log Homes to generate a stream of highly qualified leads, bolstering their potential client base and enhancing their overall online marketing strategy.

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